Photos: Greg Wasserstrom
As told to /One/: Stephen Shore once said something like, “A snapshot is a close as you can come to take a picture without thinking.” I think it was Shore who said that, though he may not have. I only heard it secondhand from my friend, Shane, while photographing in a crumbling parking lot on New York Ave in NE Washington, DC. So that’s what I try to do – take pictures from the gut.
I would also admit that I’m a little preoccupied with American politics, the American social landscape, American identity, and American-ness, just generally speaking. This is just a phenomenally complex, muddled, awful, amazing place and I look for the details that reflect the tensions underlying life in an impossible country.

Greg Wasserstrom
Greg Wasserstrom is a writer and artist living in Brooklyn, NY. Greg grew up in Texas and earned a degree in government from American University in Washington, DC. He spends most nights re-imagining his website.