Submission Guidelines
Please note that we are on hiatus and not accepting submissions at the moment. We wish you luck in placing your work elsewhere and thank you for considering /One/.
/One/ accepts original, unpublished written work. Simultaneous submissions are accepted but please let us know as soon as your work is accepted elsewhere.
Submissions are only accepted via email and should be directed to: editors (at) In the email subject line, please write the department for which you’re submitting work to followed by your last name (eg. Fiction: Doe or Photography: Doe). For text, please include the work in the body of the email as well in an attachment–do not send multiple attachments for different pieces. Text attachments should be in MS Word or pdf. Please include a short bio in the email.
- Fiction: We have no minimum word-count but ask that stories don’t run longer than 3,000 words.
- Essays: We ask that essays don’t run longer than 5,000 words.
- Poetry: You can send up to five poems of any length or style.
- Interviews: For this section, please send us your idea in a short pitch first.
- Photos/Art: Please send low-res files with a brief description of the work for consideration. If the work is accepted, we can make arrangements to receive higher quality files.When submitting photographs, please provide the files as 72 dpi jpgs, 800 pixels on the longest side, sRGB, Quality 10.
- Audio/Video: Please send a short description of your work first. If we’re interested, we’ll make arrangements to receive the files.
- Illustrations: We will occasionally use illustrations pertaining to text. Please send your work and we will let you know if it’s a fit for an upcoming issue.
At this time /One/ cannot provide any compensation to its contributors. /One/ acquires first publication rights for written work (this does not apply to art, photographs or music and video). After publication, the rights revert to the contributors, at which point they are free to reprint their work on websites, books and anthologies or as they wish. The work of our contributors will be archived on One’s website. We respectfully ask for contributors to mention that the work was first published on /One/.
Thank you for your interest in /One/.